Credit Report -

Frequently asked questions

View our range of common questions about your credit report and what you need to know.

If you find an issue with the credit information Easy Street has about you, get in touch with us.

If you believe that information within your credit report is incorrect, contact the company responsible for the error (or we can help you ask them to correct it). Alternatively, you can get in touch with the credit reporting body that provided your report. They can undertake an investigation and let you know what they find.

If you find an issue with the credit information Easy Street has about you, please contact us on 1300 13 14 65 to discuss.

If you think you have been the victim of fraudulent credit applications (often referred to as identity takeover), we strongly recommend you contact the relevant credit reporting bodies promptly and ask them not to use the information they hold on you.

You can contact the relevant credit reporting body using the contact details below:

Equifax (

Phone: 138 332

Mail: Attn. Equifax Public Access

PO Box 964

North Sydney NSW 2059

illion Australia Pty Ltd (

Phone: (03) 9828-3447

Mail: Privacy Complaints

PO Box 7405

St Kilda Rd

Melbourne VIC 3004

Easy Street uses two Credit Reporting Bodies, Equifax and Illion Australia.

On occasions, Easy Street (and other credit providers) may ask credit reporting bodies to use credit information they hold about you to ‘pre-screen’ you for direct marketing. This helps us assess if a product offered is relevant to you.

Should you not wish credit providers to access your information for pre-screening, you can ask credit reporting bodies to not use your information for this purpose. However, you will need to contact each Credit Reporting Body individually. The three credit reporting bodies in Australia are:

• Equifax (formerly known as Veda),
• Illion Australia (formerly known as Dun & Bradstreet) and
• Experian

Yes, of course you can. There are a number of websites you can visit for more information regarding credit reporting, including (but not limited to):

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Credit Smart

Australian Retail Credit Association

illion (formerly known as Dun and Bradstreet)

Equifax (formerly known as Veda)